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Regular meeting on 25Aug,2024

執筆者の写真: Okinawa ToastmastersOkinawa Toastmasters




続いて、一人目のスピーカー、TM Jさんが登場!彼のスピーチでは、Yodolyについてユーモアたっぷりに語られました。プレゼンテーションの見せ方や話し方が本当に素晴らしく、みんなが引き込まれる瞬間でした。

次に登場した二人目のスピーカー、TM Tさんは、6月に沖縄で開催されたMeetingについて語ってくれました。彼は沖縄Bクラブのチャーターセレモニーについて、ビデオやカチャーシー(沖縄の伝統的な踊り)も交えながら、沖縄らしい雰囲気をたっぷりと楽しませてくれました。


The meeting kicked off with a warm welcome from our president. We began with "Useful Japanese," focusing on the theme of "Autumn." When we think of autumn, we think of colorful foliage, the delights of fall cuisine, and the beauty of the Harvest Moon. We all enjoyed learning about these autumn-related Japanese expressions together.

The first speaker, TM J, took the stage with a humorous speech about Yodoly. His presentation skills and storytelling were truly remarkable, capturing everyone's attention effortlessly.

Next up was our second speaker, TM T, who shared his experiences from a meeting held in Okinawa in June. He delighted us with stories from the Okinawa B Club charter ceremony, complete with video clips and even a demonstration of Kachāshī, a traditional Okinawan dance. His speech was a perfect blend of fun and cultural insight.

We were also honored to have a special guest, TM G, join us from India. His presence added an international flair to our gathering, making it a delightful Sunday morning for everyone. It was a wonderful time filled with smiles and shared moments!

Our next meeting is 22 Sep Please come and join us!!



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